
All those handling agrichemicals must hold a current GROWSAFE® certificate.

Safety Data Sheets must be readily accessible for all products used. These can be accessed online, and it is mandatory to have the current safety data sheet for each of the hazardous substances used regardless of the quantity you hold.  Commonly used product should have a printout available.

Health & Safety Risks


There must be a process whereby medical checks are offered to all employees exposed to significant volumes of agrichemicals, or other hazardous substances. This should be included in the Health & Safety Risk Assessment.

Re-entry times must be known and listed for all products used on the orchard. A system for notification of re-entry times must be in place, including signage visible at all orchard access points. Special attention should be paid to workers at the greatest risk, i.e. pregnant/lactating workers and the elderly.

Safe Spray for Spray Contractors

Orchard spraying is an important task and in order to get the best out of the products that are being applied and to ensure the safety of operators, orchard workers, other people and sensitive areas within our communities it’s important that best practice is followed. A Property Spray Plan needs to be filled out annually for each orchard, and a Spray Risk Assessment Form must be filled out before each application in accordance with regional air plans. Templates of these forms can be found under the "Resources & Links" Section on this page.

Contractor's Spray Plan

There must be a notification system in place for all adjoining properties. Notification must be made at least 12 hours before application, preferably earlier. This detail should be in the contractor’s spray plan.

You must also keep records of the application of surplus mix and tank washings that are not applied over the crop. This could be written into the contractor’s spray plan.

Spray drift mitigation methods should also be written into the contractor’s spray plan. Examples include:

  • Use correct spray equipment

  • Spray in correct weather conditions

  • Use drift reducing adjuvants

  • Check what neighbours are growing

  • Notify neighbours when spraying


If concentrate agrichemicals are transported on or between orchards, they must be transported in a safe and secure manner.

Mixing & Measuring

The label instructions must be followed when measuring and mixing. Only GROWSAFE® certified personnel are allowed to handle agrichemicals.

Environmental impact

You must ensure that application equipment uses appropriate technology for maximum efficiency and, wherever possible, reduction of environmental impact. AIl nozzles shall be used when required (e.g. for hydrogen cyanimide, bactericides).

Crop Protection Standard

You must follow the Crop Protection Standard and label recommendations to restrict over-use of products and, if applications are outside of the Crop Protection Standard, follow the Justified Approval process for kiwifruit.

You must also adhere to rules around the use of certain products in the CPS as to the number of applications allowed before switching to another product.