Self-Declaration on Good Social Practices

There must be a self-declaration on good social practice regarding human rights of all employees, which has been signed by both management and the employees’ representative.

This declaration must outline at least:

  • a commitment to the International Labour Organisation’s core labour conventions

  • transparent and non-discriminative hiring procedures

  • a complaint procedure

  • that employees (or their representative) can file complaints without personal sanctions.

The declaration should be communicated to all employees, for example, displayed on the production site, attached to employment agreements, or included at meetings.

Your Inspector will check that management, the person responsible for worker welfare, and the employee representative (when there is one) know the content of the declaration and can confirm it is put into practice.

There must be evidence that the declaration has been reviewed at least every three years (for example, it is re-signed and dated).  This does not apply if the declaration is less than three years old.